in collaboration with USC University, SPAIN, the University of Tlemcen has the pleasure to announce that the call is open for BACHELOR2,BACHELOR3, MASTER1 and PHD student nomination for Winter 2024, for Erasmus mobility.
Autumn 2024: 01/09/2024 - 31/01/2024.
The contact person : ABI-AYAD Salima
Vice Recorate of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Manifestations
Universityof Tlemcen, Algeria
Dear applicants,
Please be advised that all inquiries regarding this program should be directed to the office mentioned above. It is important to note that during this phase, no communication with the partner university is allowed.
Participation requirements
Furthermore, in addition to USC university evaluation criteria, applicants from the University of Tlemcen must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Not have received an Erasmus+ grant or any international mobility or scholarship.
The field of study for this program is limited to Languages, Biomedical research, High performance Computing, Chemical Engineering, and Process Engineering.
Applicants must have a good command of English language skills (at a level of B2) or Spanish language skills (at a level of B2).
Finally, it is important that there is a good match between the academic program in the applicant's home university and the academic program targeted in the host university.
- Completing a regular Master degrees.
Application File
We would like to invite you to submit an application for a mobility program at USC university. The deadline for submissions is March 29th 2024.
Language requirements for students:
PhD students:
They need either B1 Spanish or B1 English.
Complete Academic offer here.
Master students:
Please take into account that they need a B1 level of Spanish for all the Masters, because classes are mostly taught in Spanish.
There are 3 Masters that can accept students with B2 level of English (only these 3 Masters):
- Master in Chemistry at the Interface with Biology and Materials Science.
- Master in Advanced English Studies and its Applications.
- Master in High Performance Computing (only courses of Autumn semester).
There is one Master in which classes are taught in Spanish or Galician, but they have support in English for students who aren’t fluent in Spanish: they can do the presentations and projects in English, the tutorships are in English:
Complete Academic offer here.
Bachelor students:
Please take into account that they need a B1 level of Spanish for all the Degrees, because classes are mostly taught in Spanish.
There is an exception for the following Degrees, that can accept students with B1 level of English (only these 3 Degrees):
- Degree in English Philology and Literature.
- Degree in Chemistry (only some subjects).
- Degree in Chemical Engineering (only some subjects).
Complete Academic offer here.
For PHD and Master,Bachelor Students:
- A certificate of enrolment (Proof of registration at the University of Tlemcen).(Mandatory)
- Copy of Passport (2 pages)(Mandatory)
- CV (English version)(Mandatory) with all publications and activities
- Motivation letter. (English version)(Mandatory)
- Copy of All transcripts of records (Mandatory) (all years of study)
- Copy of last degree obtained (Mandatory)
- Learning agreement signed by the Head of Department for Bachelor/Master students (download) (Mandatory)
- Learning agreement signed by the Research director for PHD students (download) (Mandatory)
- Research Plan signed from the Research Director for PHD students (Mandatory)
- A proof of English international Certification or CEIL (Mandatory) (Level B2) or spanish Certification B2.
- One reference letter
- Certificate of disciplinary status signed by the Head of the Department (download)
- Invitation letter for PHD students only
Also the applicants are invited:
- To submit the following documents in order, in PDF format on this link
- IMPORTANT: You must have an Institutional acount on the University of Tlemcen : (*
For any reclamation please contact us on: