Training 01-10-2024

Invitation to Participate in an Intercultural Virtual Exchange with UL Students from Ireland

Invitation to Participate in an Intercultural Virtual Exchange with UL Students from Ireland

Dear Students,


You are cordially invited to participate in an Intercultural Virtual Exchange with students from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Limerick, Ireland.


  • Goal: In small international student groups, students collaboratively identify a specific societal challenge on the theme of Race, related to UN SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, that requires investigation/critical thinking to produce an awareness-raising output (3-minute video) from different intercultural perspectives, delivered through the medium of English. See sample videos


  • Commitment: x2 hours MS Teams meeting per week in small intercultural student groups at a time convenient to you. After you sign up, the UL team will liaise with you to establish a suitable day/time to meet. You will also be sent the weekly task information in advance of the virtual exchange, so you know what is expected to do during the exchange. If you prefer to receive the task information live, you will have the opportunity to join the weekly UL lectures (input sessions) on Wednesdays from 15:00-17:00 Irish time via MS Teams. If you cannot attend, the lecture recordings and task information will be sent via email.


  • Duration: 5-weeks (7th October - 4th November 2024). The exact day/time of the virtual exchange will depend on your availability and discussed further via email.


  • Benefits: This is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with international students on challenge-based learning and further develop your intercultural awareness, English language skills and digital competencies. You will be awarded a digital badge on completion of this exchange.


Please register to participate via this link: or scan the QR Code attached/below:



 See the information poster attached/below:




Should you have any further questions, please email Michelle Daly, the Virtual Exchange Coordinator via