Unitrento University (Italy) organize an International and Interdisciplinary Winter Schools 2023
Two international and interdisciplinary Winter Schools 2023 for 2 weeks
- Winter School on Physics of the Cell – CellPhys (2nd edition), from 16 to 27 January 2023
- Winter School on Arms Transfers and Control – ArTCo, in Trento, from 30 January to 10 February 2023
Deadlines: 10 October 2022
The contact person : ABI-AYAD Salima
Email: erasmusplus@univ-tlemcen.dz
Vice Recorate of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation and Communication and Scientific Manifestations
Universityof Tlemcen, Algeria
Please, all applicants are asked to refer to the office mentioned above for any information, no contacts with the partner university are allowed in this phase.
For Master/PHD Students:
- A certificate of enrolment (Proof of registration at the University of Tlemcen).(Mandatory)
- Copy of Passport (2 pages)(Mandatory)
- CV (Mandatory)
- Motivation letter in english (Mandatory)
- Copy of transcripts of records (Mandatory)
- Copy of last degree obtained (Mandatory)
- Research Plan signed from the Research Director for PHD students (Mandatory)
- A proof of English skills (CEIL Mandatory)
- Certificate of disciplinary status signed by the Head of the Department (download)
Also the applicants are invited:
To submit the following documents in order, in PDF format on our Contact: erasmusplus@univ-tlemcen.dz